Upton Bishop WI

The Upton Bishop branch of the Women’s Institute has a varied programme of talks and events for its members and open events for the wider community.
Meetings are held at 7.30pm on the second Tuesday of each month (except for January).  Visitors (both male and female) will be most welcome, please make yourself known on arrival to enable us to look after you. There is a small charge of £5 to include refreshments.
Tel: Caroline Miller (Sec) 01989 669903 or Frances Lawford  (President) 01989 569881 or email ubwomensinst@gmail.com for further information.
June 24
Upton Bishop Women’s Institute, affectionately know as UBWI, have just celebrated their 105th birthday. We’re the oldest branch of the WI in Herefordshire!

It was a lovely evening, people met each other again after many years, enjoyed seeing their younger selves in the photographs, listened to history talks, did quizes, reminisced about ‘the good old days’ and made future WI plans. 

We enjoyed a buffet which included a superb birthday cake complete with candles. We’d like to thank the members of the local community who supported the event. You may have purchased a raffle ticket (all prizes have now been distributed) or come along to the party. You can support UBWI by coming along to our open talks and events and if you would like our support – just contact us.


01989 569881

Our next open event – Tuesday 9th July 8 – 9pm – “Guide dogs for the Blind”

May 24


For Upton Bishop WI October meant “Oktoberfest” Our members really threw themselves into the spirit of the event, dressing in the colours of the German flag or wearing a traditional dirndl complete with the famous pinny and bunches in our hair!

Our take on the festival included the annual competition for The Pruddah Cup awarded for baking and cookery (all German recipes) and judging meant that we sat down for a feast including savoury dishes, sweet dishes and of course the beer!

The standard of the entries was extremely high and the winner was Hazel Stanier for her delicious Nuss Torte, a flavoursome and light, nut cake.



It’s not all Jam and Jerusalem nowadays!

Of course we still enjoy jam and scones but that’s not what the Women’s Institute is about nowadays.

What we do and who we are has changed in recent times to include a diverse programme of events based on the interests of our current members. Upton Bishop WI may be a small band but we know how to make some noise and enjoy ourselves!

We are a small and genuinely friendly bunch, making everyone welcome and supporting each other on WI projects and in life generally.

Over the past and next few months here’s what we’ve done or will be doing.

Clean Rivers Campaign litter pick and painted pebbles, Ross Community Garden talk, Oktoberfest, craft sessions, knitted jewellery demonstration and workshop, Christmas celebration and don’t miss our stall at the Upton Bishop Christmas Fayre on December 3rd.

Contact Frances on 01989 569881 or just turn up to The Millennium Hall on the second Tuesday of each month (not January) 7 – 9 p.m.


August 2023

What a lovely evening we had meeting many Upton Bishop residents when we travelled around the village with our baskets of biscuits, teabags and invitations to our events.

Since then we have been involved in planning our “Clean Rivers” campaign. This has been taken up nationally by the WI, upon the suggestion from the Herefordshire branches. With the River Wye on our doorstep, we’re well placed to highlight the problems the river is facing.

As you can see from the photograph, our Kimono evening was great fun, as was the talk from Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and plans for our Oktoberfest are well underway too. By the time you read this we would have had a picnic (hope it doesn’t rain!), been metal detecting and had talks and craft sessions.

We meet every second Tuesday of the month, 7pm, the Millennium Hall – come and say hello or contact me 01989 569881

Frances Lawford. (President UBWI)