24th November
Christ The King
External Father, whose Son Jesus Christ ascended to the throne of heaven that he might rule over all things as Lord and King: keep the Church in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace, and bring the whole created order to worship at his feet; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Old Testament Daniel 7. 9-10, 13-14.
New Testament Revelation 1. 4b-8.
Gospel John 18. 33-37.
In the news recently two men have featured prominently, Justin Welby and Donald Trump. They both have importance that we should consider.
In the case of Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, we have a sex scandal that has surfaced to embarrass the Archbishop and the whole Church of England. Bishop Welby was acquainted with John Smyth before becoming Archbishop but was told of his activities when appointed to the top position. He was advised that the police had been made aware of the situation so thought the matter would work itself out. It didn’t. John Smyth died in 2018, the matter remaining unresolved. By this time Smyth had made himself scarce by moving to South Africa where he continued his activities. The matter emerged recently and the subsequent embarrassment made Archbishop Welby feel obliged to resign. It seems odd to me that he should be made feel some responsibility for something he failed to do which he had been advised was in hand to be done. He had plenty of other things on his mind.
Mr Donald Trump has won the election to become the next President of the USA. In a whirl of excitement he has started choosing members of the public including those who share his views on climate change and vaccination to serve on his staff when he comes into office at the end of January. His followers in the USA are very pleased, to say the least, that their views are now the basis of mainline policymaking. There is also nervousness about how Mr Trump’s views will impact upon situations such as Ukraine and the Middle East. Mr Trump regards God as being on his side.
These two men present us with a puzzle. How can it be that an innocent man can be disgraced, and a brash ex-businessman with eccentric views (to say the least) can become the world’s most prominent politician?
Both these men are in need of prayer support for their comfort and, most importantly, guidance. Robin Noble
Services next Sunday – 01st December – 1st Sunday of Advent
Weston-under-Penyard | Morning Worship | 11.15 a.m. |
The Lea | Advent Service | 6.00 p.m. |
Hope Mansell | Parish Communion | 9.30 a.m. |
Aston Ingham | Evensong | 4.30 p.m. |
Linton | Communion Service | 11.00 a.m. |
Upton Bishop | Mattins | 10.30 a.m. |
Miss Rebecca Howell’s address should you wish to drop her a letter,
Derwen College, Whittington Road, Gobowen, Oswestry, SY11-3JA.
Forthcoming Services & Events
LEA. SHOEBOX APPEAL. ” Thanks go to all who completed a shoebox this year, either physical or online. I am delighted to say I took 12 physical boxes and I have had another 14 reported to me from the online Shoebox Appeal. These boxes mean so much to the recipients and for those who did theirs online, you should get a follow-up email in the New Year telling you where they have gone. When I find out where the physical boxes have gone to, I will of course let you know. My grateful thanks to you all again, God Bless you all for your kindness – Marion Martin”
Mother Hen Foundation, Saturday 23rd November 12-3.30 pm @ 8 Hudson Manor Gardens, HR9 7FQ, Pop In for a Christmas Top up, Mince Pies, Mulled wine, Pop Up Stalls & Wreath Crafts. All proceeds to Mother Hen.
WESTON: Bible study at Tony & Mary Pitt’s, 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month, Penyard Rise Weston under Penyard HR9 7PH Phone: 768181
UPTON BISHOP have a BCP communion Service at 9.30 am on the first Wednesday of each month. A quiet midweek service. All welcome”
Please be aware that if you have any events you would like to advertise here, do please contact Debs
directly (details below) and she will be pleased to include them.
Please pray for all who are sick, Margaret Minnet (AI)
Please pray for all who have died, David Williams (WuP)
Rev David Howell 01989 568736 email: revdavidhowell@btinternet.com
If you would like to receive this pew sheet via email¸ please email Debs debsparishsecretary@outlook.com