Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 gives you a general right of access to recorded information held by public authorities, including Herefordshire Council.  Recorded information includes printed documents, computer files, letters, emails, photographs, audio and video recordings.

Upton Bishop Parish Council has two main responsibilities under the legislation:

  • We must produce a publication scheme, approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office. This is a guide to the information we publish as a matter of routine. The scheme is intended to make sure that a wide range of information is easily available without the need to make a specific request for it
  • We must deal with individual requests for information. This is known as the ‘right to ask’. Any person or body, including companies, resident in or outside the UK, has the right to ask whether the council holds the particular information in question

Before you make a request

You may not need to make a request to obtain the information you need, as it may already be publicly available on our website.

Check our disclosure log

A response to an FOI or EIR request may have already been published by the council to our disclosure log

Check our website

Information may have also been published on the relevant sections of this website. Before submitting a request please check to see whether the information has already been published. The publication scheme, which sets out the information published as a matter of routine, may help you with this.

Can I request my own personal information?

No, if you want your own information, you are entitled to it under the subject access provisions of the data protection legislation rather than FOI.

Request information under FOI

Requests for information under the FOI Act must:

  • Be in writing (including our online form, email or letter)
  • Have a name and address to respond to
  • Outline enough information for the council to clearly understand what information is being asked for. If your request is not clear to us we will contact you to clarify what you are seeking access to.

What happens next?

The legislation allows us up to 20 working days to respond to your request but we will answer as soon as we can.

Request review procedure

If you are dissatisfied with your response to a request for information, you can ask for a review of the response from someone not previously involved with the request.

Disclosure Log

Anonymised responses to requests may be published on the council’s disclosure log. Any responses which are published will remain on the log for up to three years.

Model Publication Scheme

Information available from Upton Bishop Parish Council under the model publication scheme.

Upton Bishop has adopted the Model Publication Scheme below.

Information to be published How the information can be obtained Cost
Class1 – Who we are and what we do

(Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts)

Available on Upton Bishop Website

Who’s who on the Council and its Committees Available on Upton Bishop Website

Contact details for Parish Clerk and Council members (named contacts where possible with telephone number and email address (if used)) Available on Upton Bishop Website

Location of main Council office and accessibility details Not applicable as there is no office
Staffing structure Not applicable as there are no staff except the part time clerk
Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it

(Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit)

Hard copy/Website £1 per page or free from the website
Annual return form and report by auditor Hard Copy/Website £1 per page or free from the website
Finalised budget Website Free
Precept Website Free
Borrowing Approval letter Not applicable as the Council does not borrow
Financial Standing Orders and Regulations Not applicable
Grants given and received Website
List of current contracts awarded and value of contract Website
Members allowances and expenses Not applicable there are no members allowances or expenses
Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing

(Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews)

Parish Plan Hard Copy Free while stocks last
Parish Plan Hard Copy available from the Clerk Free while stocks last
Annual Report to Parish or Community Meeting (current and previous year as a minimum) Hard copy/website £1 per page or free from the website
Quality status Not applicable as UBPC has not applied to become a Quality Council
Local charters drawn up in accordance with DCLG guidelines Not applicable
Neighbourhood Development Plan Available on the website Free
Class 4 – How we make decisions

(Decision making processes and records of decisions)

Details of our decision making processes and the record of our decisions are contained in the Council Meeting Minutes which are on the website. £1 per page or free from the website
Timetable of meetings (Council, any committee/sub-committee meetings and parish meetings) Website Free
Agendas of meetings (as above) Website

Parish Noticeboards

Minutes of meetings (as above) nb this will exclude information that is properly regarded as private to the meeting. Hard copy/Website £1 per page or free from the website
Reports presented to council meetings – nb this will exclude information that is properly regarded as private to the meeting. Hard copy/website £1 per page or free from the website
Responses to consultation papers Information on all our responses is recorded in the minutes £1 per page or free from the website
Responses to planning applications Information on all our responses is recorded in the minutes £1 per page or free from the website
Bye-laws Not applicable as the Parish Council has no bye laws
Class 5 – Our Policies and Procedures

(Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities.

Policies and Procedures for the conduct of Council business:

Procedural Standing Orders

Committee and Sub Committee Terms of Reference

Delegated Authority in respect of officers

Code of Conduct

Policy Statements

These are all available on the website Free
Policies and procedures for the provision of services and about the employment of staff:

Internal policies relating to the delivery of services

Equality and diversity policy

Health and safety policy

Recruitment policies (including current vacancies)

Policies and procedures for handling requests for information

Complaints procedures (including those covering requests for information and operating the publication scheme)

These are all available on the website Free
Information security policy Website Free
Records management policies (records retention, destruction and archive) Website Free
Data protection policies Website Free
Schedule of charges (for the publication of information) Most information is available free of charge on the website. £1 per page for photocopies if required.
Class 6 – Lists and Registers

Currently maintained lists and registers only

Hard copy or website. Some information may only be available for inspection
Any publicly available register or list (if any are held this should be publicised: in most circumstances existing access provisions will suffice) Not applicable
Assets Register Upton Bishop is responsible for:

  • The Old Gore War Memorial
  • Three bus shelters
  • Five noticeboards
  • One litter bin
Disclosure log (indicating the information that has been provided in response to requests; recommended as good practice, but may not be held by parish councils) Not applicable
Register of Members’ interests Hard copy available from the clerk £1 per page
Register of gifts and hospitality Hard copy available from the clerk. To date no councillor has received any gifts or hospitality which needs to be disclosed on the public register. £1 per page
Class 7 – The Services we offer

(information about the services we offer including leaflets, guidance and newsletters produced for the public and businesses)

Allotments Website
Burial grounds and closed churchyards Not applicable as we are not responsible for any burial grounds or closed churchyards
Community centres and village halls Not applicable as we are not responsible for any community centres or the Millennium Hall
Disbursement cost Photocopying @ £1 per sheet (black and white) Actual cost*
Photocopying @ £1 per sheet (colour) Actual cost
Postage Actual cost of Royal Mail second class postage
Statutory Fee In accordance with legislation

* the actual cost incurred by the public authority