Financial Matters


The Council is funded by an annual payment or precept from the Herefordshire Council. A parish council must prepare a budget for each year which will cover all necessary expenditure and ask Herefordshire Council for this money in the form of the precept. This precept is collected by Herefordshire Council via the council tax and paid to parish councils in two six-monthly sums.


Fixed Asset Register as at 01 Apr 24


Budget 24-25

UB Precept 2024-25

2023/24 Financial Reports

The External Audit for 2023/24 has begun and unaudited documents can be found below. The dates of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights are from Monday 1st July 2024 to Friday 9th August 2024. Any local government elector of the area of Upton Bishop Parish can apply to inspect the accounts upon application to the Clerk during the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights, which runs for 30 working days through the audit period.

The appointed auditor is: PKF Littlejohn LLP (Ref: SBA Team), 5 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4HD.

Audit Reports
2023/24 (unaudited)

Annual Internal Audit Report (AIAR) 2023/24

Internal Audit report 2023/24

Notice of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights

Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

Explanation of the reasons for ‘No’ assertions on Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

Section 2 Accounting Statements 2023/24

Section 3 External Auditor Report

Explanation of Significant Variances

Bank Reconciliation at 31st March 2023

Notice of Conclusion of Audit


2022/23 Financial Reports


Upton Bishop PC – AGAR Notice of period of public rights 22-23

Upton Bishop PC AGAR Cert of Exemption 22-23

Upton Bishop PC AGAR Annual Internal Audit Report 2022-23

Upton Bishop PC Final Internal Audit Report (HALC) 2022-23

UBPC – Internal Audit – 22-23 – comments



UBPC – Annual Accounting Statement – 22-23

UBPC – Annual Governance Statement – 22-23


UBPC – Councillors and Members Responsibilities – 22-23




UBPC-Risk-Register-22-23 (1)


2021/22 Financial Reports

UBPC – Notice of Public Rights

Upton Bishop – AGAR – Pg 1

Upton Bishop – AGAR – Pg 2

Upton Bishop – AGAR – Pg 3 – Cert of Exemption

Upton Bishop – AGAR – Pg 4 – Internal Audit Report 2021-22

Upton Bishop – AGAR – Pg 5 – Annual Governance Statement 21-22

Upton Bishop – AGAR – Pg 6 – Accounting Statement 21-22

Upton Bishop – Bank Reconciliation 21-22

Upton Bishop – Internal Audit report 1 of 6

Upton Bishop – Internal Audit report 2 of 6

Upton Bishop – Internal Audit report 3 of 6

Upton Bishop – Internal Audit report 4 of 6

Upton Bishop – Internal Audit report 5 of 6

Upton Bishop – Internal Audit report 6 of 6




Budget Forecast 2022-2023

Precept form 2023-24

2020/21 Financial Reports

2021 Notice of Public Rights


2021 Bank Reconciliation

Accounting Statements

Annual Governance Statement

Annual Internal Audit Report

Certificate Of Exemption_0001




2020 October Bank Reconciliation

2020 October Actual Expenditure

2020 October Cashflow


2020 Reconciliation September

Budget & Cashflow September 2020

September Bank Reconciliation


August Bank Reconciliation 2020

2020 Reconciliation August

Budget & Cashflow 2020 August


July Bank Reconciliation

July Reconciliation

July Revised Budget


Account Reconciliation June 2020 2021

Day Book June 2020 2021

June Reconciliation

Revised Budget June 2020 2021

AGAR Page 326062020

AGAR Page 4 Auditor Completion

AGAR Page 526062020

AGAR Page 626062020

Explanation of variances 2019-20


Account Reconciliation 2020 2021 May

AGAR Page 4 Auditor Completion

Bank Reconciliation May

Day Book 2020 2021 May

Internal Audit Report Financial Year 2019 to 2020

Public Rights Notice 2020

Revised Budget 2020 2021 May


Account Reconciliation 2020 2021 Apr

Bank Reconciliation2020 2021 Apr

Day Book 2020 2021 Apr

Revised Budget 2020 2021 Apr

Budget 2020/21


2019/20 financial reports

Income and expenditure account

Bank reconciliation

Expenditure above £100

Budget 2019/20

Internal audit response

2018/19 Accounts

Accounting Statements 2018-19

Explanation of variances

Bank Reconciliation

Annual Governance Statement

Annual Internal Audit Report

Internal Audit Report

Certificate of Exemption

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Exempt Authority)

2017/18 Accounts

Accounting statement 2018

Bank reconciliation