Upton Bishop Parish Council undertook a Call for Sites as part of work on the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
Landowners, developers and their agents were invited to submit sites in the Neighbourhood Area see map for consideration for housing development up to 2031.
Sites should be in or adjacent to the villages of Crow Hill and Upton Crews as these are the two settlements in our area identified as suitable for proportionate housing development by Herefordshire Council’s Local Plan Core Strategy.
The Parish Council was particularly interested in considering sites of up to one hectare which would be suitable and available for the development of smaller (2 and 3 bedroom) dwellings.
All submitted sites were independently assessed by our planning consultant prior to further consideration. Please note that not all sites were necessary or suitable for development.
Submissions were made via the Call for sites submission form.
A map showing the exact site location and boundary marked in red on an OS base had to be included with submissions.
The closing date for submissions was 30 November 2020.
The report from the Consultant was discussed by the Parish Council at its March 2021 meeting.
Twelve sites were submitted in response to the Call for Sites. These have been independently assessed and two were recommended as options for public consultation. These are shown on the map (sites A and B). Villagers were asked which of the two options they preferred and whether they agreed with the draft settlement boundaries for Crow Hill and Upton Crews.
Inside such boundaries, there is a presumption in principle that development can proceed. Development is much more restricted on land outside the boundaries.
For the purposes of this consultation, both sites A and B are shown as in the draft settlement boundary for Crow Hill. Only the chosen site (or sites) will be included in the final settlement boundary; if just one is selected, the boundary will be drawn to exclude the other.
Leaflets asking for villagers to choose between the options were delivered to every household at the end of March 2021. If you did not receive a leaflet please contact clerk@uptonbishoppc.org