Flooding issues in the village
During the winter of 2024/25 the village was surveyed to identify areas at risk of flooding.
As of January 2025 14 areas had been identified. These are listed below. If you are aware of other flooding risks please photograph them, identify the location using www.what3words.com, write a brief description of the problem and send all this information to clerk@uptonbishop.gov.uk
What3words /// notebook.costly.swooned
Water builds up in the road (B4221) during heavy rain, creating a driving challenge for vehicles negotiating the blind bend on the Upton Bishop approach. This was a problem in the heavy rains of Oct.
Lengthsman tasked to open and maintain the grip on the south side of the road. He also keeps an eye on the drain.
The Lengthsman was tasked, and the issue currently is manageable by the Lengthsman
UB-BROMSASH nr South Herefordshire Golf Course
What3Words: /// chase.spuring.skin
Water builds up across the road (B4224) due to blocked grips, ditches and a culvert. This was a major problem in the heavy Oct rain. Subsequently the road has been resurfaced by HC Highways and the ditches and grips were cleared at the same time.
Of note a culvert is blocked (What3Words: ///ends.trail.losing) and the recently HC cleared ditches are not working properly as a result. This needs further work.
The Lengthsman was tasked to see if he could sort the problem. However, due to the speed and volume of traffic, plus the scale of the job on this stretch of road, it was felt that it was not safe for him to proceed without traffic management equipment (lights etc).
ACTION: An attempt will be made by UBPC lengthsman, operating off the highway, to clear the culvert. Should this not work action to be passed to HC
This needs to continue to be managed at HC Highways level due to road safety management requirements.
Area adjacent to UB village entry gates.
What3Words: ///monorail.tiles.remarks
Water builds up on the highway (B4221) right across the road in the vicinity of the village entrance gates. This is a fast road and water build up impacts road traffic safety.
There needs to be a new grip placed on the south side of the road opposite the current grip on the north side.
ACTION: The PC Lengthsman was tasked (Dec 24) to see if he could create a new grip, operating safely by working off the highway. He was able to create a new grip on the southside and along with clearing the grip on the north side, has resolved this issue.
ACTION: The ditch providing drainage needs servicing (link to issues at UB F3B and UB F4) and will require action at HC Highways level to do the appropriate work on a fast B road highway, due to road safety management requirements.
Area opposite the entrance to the UB village hall
What3Words: ///vows.exacted.fearfully
Water builds up on the highway (B4221) right across the road opposite the entrance to the village hall. This is a fast road and water build up impacts road traffic safety. There is a grip on the north side of the road however the ditch is blocked and doesn’t seem to have a drainage route away.
The lengthsman advises that the ditch needs clearing and re- engineered to enable water to properly drain away. Being a B road this needs HC action.
ACTION: This needs to be sorted and then managed at HC Highways level due to road safety management requirements.
Area at the junction of the Felhampton farm access
What3Words:/// chins.copying.windpipe
Water builds up on the highway (B4221) in on the north side of the road. It is a fast road and traffic swerve across the highway, on a blind bend, to avoid the water build up creating a serious road safety issue. There are numerous pieces of vehicle debris at the site confirming the danger at this site. The area needs work to clear the ditch on the north side of the road and open grips to enable water runoff. The Lengthsman advises that a ditch needs to be instated all the way along the road down to the village Millennium Hall
The Lengthsman was tasked to see if he could sort the problem. However, due to the speed and volume of traffic, plus the scale of the job on this stretch of road, it was felt that it was not safe for him to proceed without traffic management equipment (lights etc).
ACTION: This needs to be sorted and managed at HC Highways level due to road safety management requirements and needs addressing quickly.
Area near the entrance to Crow Hill are of Upton Bishop.
What3Words:/// senders.ironic.beans
Water builds up across the road (B4224) due to lack of drainage facilities. It is a fast road, and vehicles swerve across the road to avoid the water build up, creating a serious road safety issue. This was a major problem in the heavy Oct 24 rain. The area needs work to clear a grip and create a ditch on the eastern side of the road to enable water runoff from the highway.
The Lengthsman was tasked to see if he could sort the problem. However, due to the speed and volume of traffic, plus the scale of the job on this stretch of road, it was felt that it was not safe for him to proceed without traffic management equipment (lights etc).
ACTION: This needs to be sorted and then managed at HC Highways level due to road safety management requirements.
Hilltop adjacent to the junction of the B4224 and U70002
What3Words: /// clustered.huddling.demand
Water builds up across the road (B4224) due to lack of drainage facilities. It is a fast road and vehicles swerve across the road to avoid the water build up, creating a serious road safety issue. This was a major problem in the heavy Oct 24 rain. There is a good grip on the south side of the road that drains the south side of the road. However, due to the road camber and lack of ditch, there is no way for the water that builds up on the north side to drain away. The area needs work to instal a drain on the northern side of the road. This to then be piped under the road to enable water runoff from the highway to the southern side.
This was recced by the Lengthsman who confirmed that the normal grip and ditch approach will not work. (Note: drain required in the area of the blue cloth marker in the picture)
ACTION: This needs to sorted, and then managed at HC Highways level due to engineering and road safety management requirements.
Stretch of road on the southern side of Chibblers hill.
3 locations in same area.
Area 1-What3Words/// sedative.drill.obstruction
Water builds up in the road (C1386) during heavy rain, creating a driving challenge for vehicles negotiating the road. This was a problem in the heavy rains of Oct 24.
Lengthsman tasked to open and maintain the grip on the south side of the road.
ACTION: The Lengthsman was tasked, and the issue currently is manageable by the Lengthsman
Area 2 – What3Words/// studs.flirts.reapply
Water builds up in the road (C1386) during heavy rain, being at the dip point of the road, creating a driving challenge for vehicles negotiating the road. This was a problem in the heavy rains of Oct 24. Lengthsman tasked to open and maintain the grip on both sides of the road.
ACTION: The Lengthsman was tasked, and the issue currently is manageable by the Lengthsman
Area 3 – What3Words/// cackling.agency.quicker
Water builds up in the road (C1386) from field run off during heavy rain, creating a driving challenge for vehicles negotiating the road.
This was a problem in the heavy rains of Oct 24.
Lengthsman tasked to open and maintain the grip on both sides of the road.
ACTION: The Lengthsman was tasked and the issue currently is manageable by the Lengthsman
Culvert area below Upton Bishop Church
What3Words/// pies.approvals.disband
The section of the road at the lowest point over/adjacent to the stream culvert can be prone to temporary flooding in extreme rainfall.
The area had flooded once this season (2024) during the heavy Oct downpour. Key is ensuring the drains and culvert are kept clear.
Lengthsman tasked to keep an eye on the culvert, drains and grips at the site. The house owner on the southern side of the culvert also keeps an eye on the culvert and drain, and ensures they remain fit for purpose.
ACTION: The issue currently is manageable by the Lengthsman and local house owner
Rudhall lane adjacent to the motorway
What3Words/// seated.overdrive.sprouted
The road in this area his susceptible to sever flooding if the drainage facilities are not regularly maintained. Until recently the grips along the lane had become blocked impeding drainage. Also critically a drain was badly damaged and as a result blocked an unworkable. A combination of the repair of the drain by HC and the parish Lengthsman clearing and maintain the grips has ensured the road has not flooded in recent heavy rains.
Lengthsman tasked to keep an eye on the culvert, drains and grips at the site. (The drain cover is marked by the red cone in the photo).
ACTION: The issue currently is manageable by the Lengthsman
What3Words/// daydream.vocal.fries
The road junction in the Tanhouse community flooded to a depth of over 1ft during the recent heavy rains in Oct 24. This has happened in previous years. The flooding makes the road impassable and is the only area of flooding in the parish that completely blocks the highway. It only floods in very heavy prolonged rain and it comes up quickly and drains away quite quickly.
Having reviewed this location with a resident councillor it is clear that this issue is infrequent, but it is serious. Having reviewed the drainage options it will require a good deal of engineering and considerable investment to solve this issue.
Given the flooding is infrequent, that no houses were flooded in the recent rainfall and clears relatively quickly, this area to be reviewed as a long-term project.
This will require HC action
Pike House
What3Words/// impresses.segmented.instead
The A449 in the vicinity to the Pike House is flooding due to a blocked and damaged drain system. There are 4 interconnected drain holes that capture the water on the north side of the road. However recently it has been identified that the connecting pipework between the 4 drains is damaged and thus not draining the water away. Work has been done on one drain, however due to the blocked pipe work the problem persists. It is assessed, and advised, that to sort this problem the pipework between the drains needs repairing. This is going to require the road to be dug up and a full engineered solution and plan to solve this problem.
Being an A road and scale of the work required, this issue is clearly a problem that can only be sorted at Herefordshire County level.
ACTION: HC to review and action the remedial work required to solve this issue.